Post Surgical Instructions
Following surgery, there are steps you can take to speed up your recovery and prevent complications. Please select the link that applies to your procedure for tips and instructions. Pain Control RegimenAdenoidectomyMastoidectomyMyringotomy & Ear TubesNasal Sinus SurgeryNeck Node & Neck DissectionParathyroidectomyParotidectomySepto TurbinoplastyStapedectomySubmandibular SurgeryThroat & Vocal CordTonsillectomyThyroidectomyTympanoplasty
Read MoreAdenoidectomy
Post-Operative Instructions for Adenoidectomy Activity Level: Light activity and adequate rest are recommended for the first few days. Patients are encouraged to get up and walk around the house several times a day to maintain circulation in their legs. Children should be under close supervision by a responsible adult. Breathing Exercises and Walking: Every 15–30 minutes while…
Read MoreMastoidectomy
Post-operative Instructions for Mastoidectomy Rest: Plan to rest the evening after your operation. Even after minor surgery, you may feel drowsy or tired for a number of hours. You may also have fatigue, muscle aches and a sore throat for 1-2 days. Nausea and Vomiting: It is common to have 2-3 episodes of nausea and vomiting. If…
Read MoreMyringotomy & Ear Tubes
Postoperative Instructions for Myringotomy and Ear Tubes Ear Drainage: Your ear may have some drainage in several instances: After surgery for up to a week. Ear drainage without a fever is usually not an emergency. After water has washed ear canal bacteria into the middle ear (ME) or irritated the ME lining. Please avoid any large…
Read MoreNasal Sinus Surgery
Postoperative Instructions for Nasal (Septoplasty) Surgery and Sinus Surgery Nasal Drainage: Mucous mixed with blood is expected and may continue until your nasal packs or splints are removed. Blood clots may be noted for up to 2 weeks after packs are removed. At the surgery center you will be given gauze pads (dripper pads) and a…
Read MoreNeck Node & Neck Dissection
Postoperative Instructions for Neck Node and Neck Dissection Incision: Please keep the incision dry for 2-3 days then gently wash the incision with soap and water 2-3 times a day as needed. After washing, please apply a thin film of an antibacterial ointment (e.g. Polysporin). Please avoid any activity that pulls across the incision such as…
Read MoreParathyroidectomy
Postoperative Instructions and Information for Parathyroidectomy Incision: Please keep the incision dry until the stitches are removed, then gently wash the incision with soap and water 2-3 times a day as needed. After washing, please apply a thin film of an antibacterial ointment (e.g. Polysporin). Please avoid any activity that pulls across the incision such…
Read MoreParotidectomy
Post-Operative Instructions for Parotidectomy Incision: Please keep the incision dry for two to three days, and then gently wash the incision with soap and water two to three times a day as needed. You may use Q-tips or cotton swab dipped in peroxide to remove any dried blood over the incision. After washing, apply a…
Read MoreSepto Turbinoplasty
Post-operative Instructions for Septoplasty and/or Turbinoplasty Surgery Nasal Drainage: Mucous mixed with blood is expected and may continue until your nasal packs or splints are removed (if any were used). Blood clots may be noted for up to 2 weeks after packs (or splints) are removed. At the surgery center you will be given gauze pads…
Read MoreStapedectomy
Post-operative Instructions for Stapedectomy Rest: Plan to rest the evening after your operation. Even after minor surgery, you may feel drowsy or tired for a number of hours. You may also have fatigue, muscle aches and a sore throat for 1-2 days. Nausea and Vomiting: It is common to have 2-3 episodes of nausea and vomiting. If…
Read MoreSubmandibular Surgery
Postoperative Instructions for Submandibular Gland Excision Incision: Please keep the incision dry for 2-3 days, and then gently wash the incision with soap and water 2-3 times a day as needed. You may use cotton swabs dipped in peroxide to remove any dried blood over the incision. After washing, please apply a thin film of an…
Read MoreThroat & Vocal Cord
Post-operative Instructions for Throat or Vocal Cord Area Surgery Rest: Plan to rest the evening after your operation. Even after minor surgery, you may feel drowsy or tired for a number of hours. You may also have fatigue, muscle aches and a sore throat for 1-2 days. Nausea and Vomiting: It is common to have 2-3 episodes…
Read MoreTonsillectomy
Postoperative Instructions for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Activity Level: Light activity and adequate rest are recommended for the first few days. Sleeping with the head elevated 30 to 45 degrees or in a recliner for 3-4 days will reduce the swelling in the throat. The uvula (the thing that hangs down from the palate) may be swollen…
Read MoreThyroidectomy
Post-Operative Instructions for Thyroidectomy Incision: Please keep the incision dry until the sutures are removed, then gently wash the incision with soap and water 2-3 times a day as needed. After washing, please apply a thin film of an antibacterial ointment (e.g. Polysporin). Please avoid any activity that pulls across the incision such as shaving across the incision…
Read MoreTympanoplasty
Post-Operative Instructions for Tympanoplasty Rest: Plan to rest the evening after your operation. Even after minor surgery, you may feel drowsy or tired for a number of hours. You may also have fatigue, muscle aches and a sore throat for 1-2 days. Nausea and Vomiting: It is common to have 2-3 episodes of nausea and vomiting.…
Read More“Dr. Strand is wonderful. In fact, all the staff are just the best. Personable, and to the point. You will be well cared for at Willamette ENT.”