Choose Healthy Habits for Healthy Aging
What do hearing loss and lowered stress levels have in common? Reducing both can lead to healthier aging in the long run, including a decrease in cognitive decline. Studies show that higher stress throughout life can lead to a greater chance of cognitive decline in one’s later years. In honor of Healthy Aging Month this…
Tips for Exercising Outdoors With Seasonal Allergies
Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, exhibits symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, congestion and more. Hay fever is extremely widespread. In 2021, approximately 81 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed with hay fever. Hay fever doesn’t need to stop you from enjoying outdoor exercises. Whether you prefer yoga in Clark Creek…
When – And When Not – To Wear Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are incredibly useful devices with a microphone that collects sound, an amplifier that raises its volume and a speaker which sends it directly into the ear canal. The devices can help improve communication, manage tinnitus symptoms and even improve balance but a study still found that among adults ages 70 and over who…
Climate Change Hurts Allergy Sufferers
Each year, does it seem like your eyes are getting itchier? Is your nose runnier? Maybe your sinuses are getting stuffier, too? If so, you’re not just imagining things. Recent research has found that the pollen season is growing longer and more severe due to climate change. Longer Growing Season Increases Airborne Pollen Climate change…
Hearing Loss Doesn’t Need To Stop You From Enjoying Podcasts
Whether you like true crime, history lessons or funky facts, podcasts can be a fun way to keep yourself entertained during a flight, long drive or while enjoying a latte at Broadway Coffeehouse. Hearing loss doesn’t need to stop you from enjoying your favorite podcast. Simple tricks like wearing Bluetooth® hearing aids, noise-canceling headphones and…
What Can You Expect During a Hearing Aid Fitting
Data from the MarkeTrak 2022 survey found that most hearing aid users report quality-of-life benefits from their hearing aids. Getting hearing aids is a significant first step to tackling your hearing loss treatment. After you receive your test results, choosing the right hearing aids and programming can be a little daunting. To help simplify the…
Tips For Using Hearing Aids with An Active Lifestyle
Living an active lifestyle is important for maintaining good physical and mental health. If you’re someone who loves kayaking, playing sports or hiking through Oregon’s plethora of gorgeous trails, hearing loss doesn’t have to slow you down. Hearing Aids Make Staying Active Easier The vast majority of people with hearing loss benefit from the use…
How To Have the Best Experience on Public Transportation With Hearing Loss
Salem’s Cherriots mass transit system can be a great way to get around the city. Knowing how to best accommodate for your hearing loss during your time on public transportation can allow you to relax on your way to work, school, home and more. Let’s look at some tips for making your transportation journey as…
Move It! How Exercise Keeps Your Hearing in Shape
Need some extra motivation to stick with your exercise routine? Research shows regular activity can help your auditory system stay strong, delaying age-related hearing loss. The best part? You don’t have to be a gym rat to reap the benefits. Even moderate-intensity activities can help preserve your hearing health by increasing blood flow to the…
Can Allergies Cause Snoring?
Allergies can make everything more difficult, including getting a good night’s sleep. Symptoms like nasal congestion can make breathing difficult and lead to increased snoring and other sleep issues. Common Allergy Symptoms That Lead to Snoring If you have allergies, your body mistakes a substance like pet dander or pollen as something harmful and mounts…
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