What Role Does Vitamin C Play in Allergy Symptoms
Vitamin C has long been celebrated as a cornerstone of holistic health and wellness practices. Abundantly present in fruits and vegetables, vitamin C serves many benefits, including: One less discussed benefit of vitamin C is its potential to positively impact your allergy symptoms. Let’s delve into this vitamin’s influence on allergies and strategies for ensuring…
Climate Change Hurts Allergy Sufferers
Each year, does it seem like your eyes are getting itchier? Is your nose runnier? Maybe your sinuses are getting stuffier, too? If so, you’re not just imagining things. Recent research has found that the pollen season is growing longer and more severe due to climate change. Longer Growing Season Increases Airborne Pollen Climate change…
How Has the Pandemic Impacted Speech Development?
The pandemic didn’t make being a kid easy. While online school, no play dates and staying home weren’t ideal, it turns out that these preventative measures to slow the spread of COVID also had a serious impact on children’s speech skills. Evidence shows that new speech disorder diagnoses more than doubled during the pandemic, with…
Is It Summer Allergies or a Cold?
While the World Health Organization may have officially declared the global COVID pandemic over last May, summer colds aren’t going anywhere. This common illness could affect even more people now that the mask-wearing and social distancing that helped slow their spread in recent years has ceased. Getting sick during summer allergy season can make it…
What To Know About Hearing Aid Technology in 2024
Hearing aids significantly enhance sound clarity and amplify sounds, markedly improving the lives of millions. In fact, 28.8 million Americans could greatly benefit from using hearing aids if they took advantage. Since hearing aids are such a useful tool in the lives of many, advancements are always on the horizon. Here’s what you can expect….
New Report Suggests Over 1.6M Americans May Have Permanently Lost Sense of Smell
We’ve known that COVID-19 can cause patients to temporarily lose their sense of smell. However, a new report estimates that 1.6 million people in the United States have experienced chronic loss of smell (anosmia) lasting at least six months following their infection. The study, published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,appears to be one of…
The Importance of Screening for Head & Neck Cancer

As otolaryngologists are most likely to deal with head and neck cancers, it’s important to remind your patients that regularly screening for these types of tumors will greatly aid in prevention and treatment for at-risk individuals. Head and neck cancers most often originate in the squamous cells lining the mucosal surfaces inside the head and…
How Can You Manage Your Allergies This Spring?
As spring emerges, so do the budding flowers, the pitter-patter of heavy rains and those long-missed sunny days that hid away over the winter months. Yet, amid the joys of spring, allergies may arrive to put a damper on your fun. With the arrival of spring pollen, allergy management becomes crucial to enjoying this season…
New Study Shows Light Pollution Can Extend Allergy Season
Researchers are no longer in the dark about the effects of artificial light sources on trees and woody plants. Evidence shows that the bright lights of big cities are altering urban plants’ normal seasonal rhythms, leading to earlier and longer allergy seasons and exacerbating everything from allergies to asthma to other breathing issues. Details of…
How To Know If You’re a Good Candidate for Hearing Aids
Having trouble perceiving sounds clearly, such as the need to turn up the volume higher than usual or finding it hard to keep up with conversations, might suggest that you are one of the 28.8 million Americans who could benefit from hearing aids. Nonetheless, it’s common for people to wait more than five years to…
“I have been going to Willamette ENT on and off for most of my life. The staff is always so friendly, and the doctors and nurses show a lot of care and compassion!”