Your baby has been referred to us for a hearing screening, as they either did not pass their screening in the hospital or have not yet had one performed. A hearing screening takes about an hour to complete while your baby sleeps and does not cause any discomfort. The following are things you can do to help the testing be as quick and easy as possible:
- Before the appointment:
- Try to schedule the appointment at a time when your baby typically naps
- Withhold food and sleep prior to testing so that your baby is more likely to fall asleep during the appointment
- Bring food, blanket, diapers, binky, and anything else to help keep your baby calm and asleep
- Arrange childcare for siblings (testing must occur in a room that is very quiet)
- At the appointment:
- Arrive with your baby tired but awake
- Wait to feed your baby until you are brought back to the testing room
- Testing is most effective when your baby is asleep and still
- You will be with your baby during the entire test

It is incredibly important to assess the hearing of all children before they are 1 month of age, with follow-up occurring before 3 months of age. Early identification of hearing loss helps to prevent your child from developing speech, language, or reading difficulties later in life. If you are not able to keep your baby’s appointment please reschedule the test as soon as you can.
If you have any questions regarding test, please don’t hesitate to contact the Willamette ENT Audiology Department at (503) 485-2581.
“Dr. Strand is wonderful. In fact, all the staff are just the best. Personable, and to the point. You will be well cared for at Willamette ENT.”