Congestion, hives, headache, sneezing, red or watery eyes and more are common symptoms of allergies. While these symptoms can be a nuisance during the day, their effect on sleep quality may present additional problems.
Along with impaired cognitive abilities, irritability and mood swings, cumulative poor sleep can lead to an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, depression, heart attack and stroke.
Because the side effects of poor sleep can be so severe, it is essential to ensure you get your full seven to eight hours each night.
How Can Allergies Affect Sleep?

A study aimed at characterizing sleep disorders associated with respiratory allergies of 1786 participants found that the likelihood of sleep issues rose exponentially along with the severity of allergies.
One of the most common ways your allergies may keep you awake has to do with your symptoms. While congestion and coughing may be bothersome in the daytime, they can keep you awake or contribute to snoring, increased risk for sleep apnea and more.
Controlling your allergy symptoms is an excellent way to get your full eight hours of sleep.
How Can You Manage Allergy Symptoms?
Immunotherapy and allergy avoidance are two great ways to manage your allergy symptoms.
Immunotherapy involves injecting small doses of an allergen into a patient, increasing the dosage over time. With successful immunotherapy, your immune system will become desensitized to the allergen, resulting in less severe allergic reactions.
Allergy Avoidance
Sleeping with allergies can be difficult, but reducing the allergens in the environment around you can make a big difference. A couple of ways you can reduce the allergens in your home include:
- Close your windows. A crisp fall breeze can feel nice but may carry allergens into your home. If your allergies are severe, try closing your windows and relying on internal heating and cooling.
- Bathe your pets. Pet dander is a well-known source of allergies but may not be the only one your furry friends carry into the home. A trip to Riverfront City Park can leave your pet covered in pollen and other outdoor allergens. Bathing your pet regularly and keeping them out of the bedroom may help reduce allergy symptoms while you sleep.
- Shower before bed. Showering before bed will help ensure that any allergens clinging to your hair or skin get washed down the drain.
For more information on managing your allergies, contact Willamette ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery today to make an appointment with one of our specialists.
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