Allergies are incredibly common. Data tells us that more than 50 million people in the U.S. experience various types of allergies each year.
If you’ve finally made your first allergist appointment after suffering for some time, you undoubtedly have a lot of questions for your provider. Let’s cover a few basic facts about allergies as well as questions you should ask during your appointment.
Answers to Common Allergy Questions

- Allergies can develop at any age. While most allergies develop in childhood, people can develop new allergies into adulthood. This may happen because of changes in your immune system or being exposed to an allergen you weren’t around as a child. If you used to never deal with seasonal allergies, but now find that every spring you’re sneezing your way through walks at Straub Nature Park, there’s a good chance you have adult-onset allergies.
- Your allergies may go away…or not. Some allergies will last a lifetime, while in other cases it’s a bit more complicated. There are people who are allergic to certain things in childhood that they grow out of as adults, or at least their reactions become far less severe. Similarly, some people seem to have allergies that come and go, meaning they occasionally have a reaction when they come into contact with a particular allergen, but other times they don’t.
- You may develop additional allergies later on. Even if you already have allergies to one trigger, it is possible to develop additional allergies as time goes on. Similarly, you might have a different type of reaction depending on the trigger. For example, you could have a severe reaction when eating soy or walnuts, but only experience mild allergy symptoms when you encounter pet dander.
What To Ask Your Allergist
It’s understandable that you might feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to ask during your first visit to an allergist. Here is some information you should make sure to get at your appointment:
- Will I need allergy testing/what kind? Depending on your symptoms, your allergist will likely run allergy testing either via skin prick or blood testing. In some cases, they may do a food challenge as well. Give them as much information as possible about what you experience so they know what testing is best for you.
- What do these results mean? If you’re confused by any test results or other information your allergist gives you, ask for clarification so you can do what’s best for your health.
- How can I manage my allergies? Your allergist may prescribe medication or recommend avoiding triggers or taking steps to minimize your exposure to your allergens. Make sure you fully understand your treatment options so that you can best manage your symptoms.
For additional information or to schedule an appointment, call Willamette ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery today.
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