Relationships Can Shine with Better Communication
Relationships Can Shine with Better Communication. Learn how we can help you communicate better with your loved ones and schedule your appointment today. Check out our new billboard!
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month
Check out our new billboard and schedule your appointment during Better Hearing & Speech month today!
What to Expect During Your Audiologist Appointment
If you’re having trouble with your hearing in Salem, it’s important you schedule an appointment with an audiologist. There are a wide range of physical, psychological and social complications associated with untreated hearing loss, so you’ll want to find a solution as soon as possible. If you’ve never been to an audiologist before you may…
Tinnitus: Understanding that Ringing in Your Ears
Many people experience a persistent ringing in their ears. This common affliction, known as tinnitus, affects roughly 20 percent of the American population. Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound when none is actually occurring. For some, it is a minor nuisance but for others, a major impediment to their quality of life. It…
Happy Valentines Day from Willamette ENT
Having a difficult time hearing your loved ones? Call us at (503) 485-2581 to schedule a hearing consultation. Keep an eye out for out new billboard!
Hearing Screenings vs. Evaluations
The difference between a hearing screening and a hearing evaluation is subtle but important. A screening refers to a single, preliminary test used to determine whether a patient has a hearing loss. Think of it as a pass/fail exam – if the results indicate a hearing loss, a more detailed evaluation is required. Hearing screenings…
Happy New Year!
This year make the resolution to live a life with better hearing. Schedule your hearing test today Keep an eye out for out new billboard!
Hearing Loss Affects Kids, Too!
Three million children under 18 years old suffer from hearing loss, including nearly four of every thousand newborn babies. In most cases, hearing issues aren’t discovered in kids until they are at least two years old. The first two years of a child’s life are hugely important in physical development as well as in forming…
Tinnitus: Understanding that Ringing in Your Ears
Many people experience a persistent ringing in their ears. This common affliction, known as tinnitus, affects roughly 20% of the American population. Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound when none is actually occurring. For some it is a minor nuisance but for others, a major impediment to their quality of life. It is…
Audiologist or Hearing Instrument Specialist? What’s the Difference?
A patients’ journey to better hearing begins when they choose a hearing professional they can trust. But often, they are unsure where to turn. Understanding the difference between an audiologist and a Hearing Instrument Specialist will help them make that crucial decision. An audiologist is a licensed and certified professional who has earned a Master’s…
“Everyone is nice and very efficient.”