Loss of Smell and Taste Linked to COVID-19
By now, we’re all familiar with the most common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, body aches, dry cough and breathing difficulty. But for some people, additional symptoms include a loss of smell and taste; these can occur even in the absence of any other symptoms. Anosmia and ageusia (the medical terms for loss of smell and…
Can Sleep Change Your Life?
During the pandemic, we have seen many changes to our normal lives. One of which is a disruption in our quality of sleep. But getting enough sleep is important to our physical, mental and emotional step. Sleep Hygiene The best way to fix your sleep problem is to improve your sleep hygiene, which includes: Eating…
Get to Know the Medical Doctors Who Treat Hearing Loss
Much like other medical conditions, your hearing loss may require a team approach with professionals from a number of disciplines. In addition to your audiologist, there are two types of doctors who may play a role in your treatment. Understanding what they do and who they are can ensure you are receiving the care you…
Ear Tube FAQ
Children are prone to ear infections; in fact, most kids have at least one ear infection before their third birthday. While most infections clear up on their own, some children experience chronic infections that require additional treatment. One of the most popular treatment options is the use of ear tubes. Below are the questions asked…
Have You Considered Surgery for Your Chronic Nasal Problems?
Inside your nose are built in air filters known as turbinates. They help to filter, warm and add moisture to the air you breathe in. But if they become swollen, enlarged or displaced, this can lead to nasal blockage. While some can treat their enlarged turbinates with medication or environmental changes, many require a surgical…
Understanding Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are benign growths that develop in the lining of the nasal passages and sinuses. They grow when the mucus membrane becomes inflamed and swollen over a long period of time. If the polyp grows large enough, it can block the nasal passages and sinuses, leading to infection and breathing problems. Who Is at…
What Are Tonsil Stones?
The tonsils are two lymph nodes located on either side of the back of your throat. They are part of your body’s defense mechanism against infection, but sometimes can be susceptible to infection themselves. Another tonsil-related ailment is tonsil stones. One study published in ISRN Dentistry found that tonsil stones affect around eight percent of…
Understanding Your Child’s Ear Infection
One of the most common childhood ailments is an ear infection. Understanding what causes them can help you get the right treatment faster. What Is an Ear Infection? An ear infection occurs when fluid becomes trapped behind the eardrum because of an inflammation of the middle ear. If your child has an upper respiratory infection,…
Symptoms of a Sinus Infection
A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, occurs when your nasal cavity becomes enflamed. If the condition lasts for less than four weeks it is known as acute; any longer and it is classified as chronic. Understanding the symptoms that come from a sinus infection can help ensure you seek treatment in a timely manner….
What Your Earwax Says About Your Health
Earwax is a perfectly normal substance produced by your ears. While most of us are familiar with the yellow substance, there are occasions when your earwax may chance color or texture. Understanding the causes of these changes can help you identify a problem and seek help quickly. What Is Earwax? Earwax, also known as cerumen,…
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